The Precision of God, Blog 3

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Welcome back to The Road2Wholeness Blog and our "P" series.  Thank you for taking the stroll with us today.  Today in 'The Precision of God' we continue on faith.  

Let's go to Matthew 7:7.  It reads, "Ask and it shall be given you, seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."  This is a powerful notation by the Lord Jesus in reference to faith.  We know that faith is our belief; the assurance of things hoped for and the Lord in Matthew 7:7 gives us an oath.  With that oath we move out to make what is righteous seen in the world.  In essence we become oath people; people who allow the oath to speak for us.

When we encounter difficulties, we choose the oath.  We budget our faith by using these oaths.  First here in Matthew 7:7 and likewise.. scriptures where the Lord uses the words Truly, Suddenly, and Surely to signify the speed and determination of what He has promised.  As people begin to show fear towards those of us who hold onto the oaths God gave, remember that it is the fear of the Lord and His word that they are showing great fear for and do not take your eyes off the water in front of you.  Let the words suddenly, truly, and surely be words you live by.  

Remember to go within that you may never go without.  The God within you awaits you.  Until our paths collide again, I wish you... Peace, Love, Life, and Complete Hearing in Christ.  

In Service,

NaTisha Renee Williams
