The Precision of God, Blog 1

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Welcome back to The Road2Wholeness Blog.  Thank you for taking the stroll with us today.  Today we begin Life of LAB; The Precision of God.  Enjoy following the 7-Blog series here.

Let's go to scripture first.  Matthew 26:34 Jesus says to Peter, "Truly I tell you, this very night before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.  In this scripture, the Lord shows that we are not equal and he proves it with the words spoken to His disciple Peter.  He also shows that the magnitude of faith needed not to disown Him was not yet ready in Peter.  Today, we speak many scriptures that are from the gospel, and we take up our faith and power given by the grace of God, but what about Matthew 26:34?  Are we equipped to speak as the Lord did and are we equipped ever to that magnitude?  

The question simply shows that we must consider God as we speak, and that there is a precision to the Lord's might.  There is also a precision to the word of the Lord spoken by Jesus.  In scripture, we learn that Jesus' faith is perfect, however we haven't heard anything about our perfect faith except the scripture that says "Perfect love cast out all fear."  Then the precision of God and the test we've been given is not to speak power to scriptures spoken by Jesus, but to see what the Lord has left for us to complete.  For believers in Christ, perfect love is the test not perfect faith.  Here in this "P" series, The Precision of God, we learn to budget our faith with the proper use of scripture to show the Bible's great precision.  Today ungimmick your prayers and your use of scripture with this quick lab and word on perfect faith and perfect love.

Remember to go within that you may never go without.  The God within you awaits you.  Until our paths collide again, I wish you...  Peace, Love, Life, and Complete Hearing in Christ.

In Service,

NaTisha Renee Williams    
