ReFlective Meditations "The Transcripts" _9

ReFlective Meditations with The ReWIRE
Show Theme: Storehouse

The Set-Up:

Breatheon the inhale we repeat, "I Am" and on the exhale, we repeat "God Is".  Take 4 deep breaths using this breathing and sustaining pattern.  Feel the weight lifting, and the release of God's perfect love.

Today- It's lights on, pull down, and reclaim time.  Today we open the door to our storehouses.  Breathe well and prepare to reach.
Drag those old boxes to the door of your storehouse.  They are no longer welcomed.  Dust off the beautiful thoughts that do serve you, and put them up high.  Next, prepare to revisit and reclaim your dream.
When you have fully considered your dream, write it on your heart.  Allow God to continue to light the way forward.

The Exit:

Breathe- This time on the inhale, declare that "God Is" and on the exhale, declare, therefore "I Am".  Repeat this four times and be filled with power and authority.

Listen to the audio of Storehouse

Thank you for taking the time out to reflect and meditate with The Road2Wholeness Blog.  To get more details on ReFlective Meditations or The ReWIRE Show, you may visit our blog at:

Remember to go within that you may never go without.  The God within you awaits you.  Until our paths collide again, I wish you... Peace, Love, Life, and Complete Wholeness in Christ.

