"Father!" A Series on Prayer, blog 3

Originally published at road2wholeness.com on 7/28/17

Welcome back!  Thank you for taking the read today, and another stroll with The Road2Wholeness Blog.  This is the third blog in our series, “Father!”  If you’ve been following the series, then you know that this is a series on prayer.  If you’re just landing in the series, I encourage you to begin with the first blog, where I first revealed the pattern for this series, and shared the power of prayer.  Today, we move forward with another question that will lead us through the thoughts I’d like to share.  The question is… “What do you do when everyone’s speaking?”

So much of prayer and effective prayer as I see it, is about the way we think.  Therefore, the question then becomes how to pattern our thoughts, and maintain the highway of thinking to best support our prayer life.  We’re going to look at these in three parts; our hearing, our thinking, and our storing nature.  Let’s begin with the ears which are a solid gateway.  Do you know that your ears are probably your most valuable real-estate?  It’s easy to recognize blessings and miracles, because we can see them.  Instruction however, cannot be seen but must be heard.  How do we hear when there’s sound all around us, and everyone’s speaking?  We stay slippery!  Scripture says that “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God”.  I’ve found that the first part of that scripture actually works with almost anything.  Whatever you hear enough, you will begin to build your faith (understanding) around.  The only way to keep a lot of what we hear around us, off of us, is to hear the Word of God.   Particularly when we pray, we hear the Word of God from the mouth of God, but there must be preparation for that.  The preparation is to hear the written Word of God.  Covered in Truth we become slippery.  When what is false comes to our ear gate, it slips away.  This is important to acknowledge, because it’s the only way to protect our thinking. 

Let’s look at our thinking, and see it as a highway.  What’s on the highway is determined by what gets through our gates.  Today we’re focusing on our ear gate. Think about and picture a highway.  Now take ownership of that highway.  It’s yours, and you control all its elements; the traffic; the speed; the cars (your thoughts), and most importantly, the exits.  Now, think about that one car that you can see coming from about a mile away.  It’s weaving in and out of traffic.  It’s out of control and racing to the exit.  Perhaps it’s almost out of fuel.  Do you slow it down, or should you refuel it?  I’ll like to think that the thoughts that are most beneficial to you, and allow you to live harmoniously, will always be refueled and given more roadway than the ones that are disruptive, and counterproductive.  Therefore, when a radical thought jumps onto your highways, you will 1. Immediately be able to spot it 2. Trap it and slow it down by out numbering it and 3. Prevent it from exiting. 

Now let’s begin to look at our exits.  What are they?  Where are they?  How are they represented?  First, we go back to examining that out of control, radical thought?  Why is it moving so swiftly?  I think because radicalism is unsustainable.  It doesn’t have the natural ability to go for miles.  It’s agenda is simply to cut through right thinking, avoid right questioning, take you attention off of right action, and get into your storehouse of I am, I was, and I will be.  So to put it clearly, our exits are our store houses, which resides within our subconscious mind, and are categorized and represented by our beliefs about who we are (present), who we were (past), and who we will be (future).  Every thought we have is connected to one of these categories.  When we pray, we come to God from the seat of these beliefs.  Without the truth and light of God, we often times can’t get past the preliminaries of asking for food and shelter.  Not that these concerns aren’t important, but where they are of concern, they are often the result of much deeper needs, and matters.  I believe that God wants to pull us in on the issues concerning those deeper needs and matters through our relationship with Him in prayer.  But first He needs our ears.  He needs our ears, so He can properly inform us about who we were, not in the close chapters of our lives, but who we were when He envisioned us and wrote us into being with His own breath.  He also needs our ears to continue to inform us about who we are, even after all our stumbling and  falling, and lastly, He needs our ears to inform us of all that we are destined to be. 

So as we continue to go deeper with the Father in prayer, let he who have ears hear!

On the next blog, we look at how to pray “the vision” along.

Remember to go within that you may never go without.  The God within you awaits you.  Until our paths collide again, I wish you... Peace, Love, Life, and Complete Wholeness in Christ.

In Service,

NaTisha Renee Williams
