Tree vs. Tree

Originally published at on 4/18/17

Welcome back!   Thank you for taking the read and another stroll with The Road2Wholeness Blog.  Today I’ll like to take a moment to discuss the return to the tree of life.  As each new season begins, we should always take time to gain clarity.  To obtain divine perspective, we must return to “The Tree of Life”.

I believe the tree of life to be a state of single mindedness.  In comfort there can be many minds, but in discomfort, we must find the one mind needed to stand up and raise our selves back into the rest of God.  Most discomfort in our lives is derived from our choice to eat from “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”.  It’s not to say that there aren’t situations that don’t come to try you or that there aren’t individuals who will purposely choose to bring negativity into your world, but in Christ we must continually choose to return to the idea of One Ruler.  The idea of One Ruler for me means: “If there are two rulers and One Source; there is really then only One Ruler.”  

Scripture says in Romans 8:28:
“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him…”

This scripture tells me that God is over all things concerning me.  That understanding brings me back to “The Tree of Life” where all things exist in harmony.  As I return to one mind, I turn my attention to the shelter, rest, and peace that is provided in God.  As I turn my attention back on God’s masterful ways and His mighty hand in it all, I also determine that God will get the glory and none else. 

At the end of each season there is somewhat of a death that occurs, and with every new season; there is no doubt a feeling of resurrection that occurs.  One of the reasons everyone is always so excited at the start of each new season, is because of the great surge of power we obtain as we set out.  The trouble can be however, that we don’t want to think about the obstacles that await us.  I’ve been surely guilty of this; the idea of just riding the wave of excitement.  In this new dimension and season however, God has mandated a single minded approach.  This is probably to say flexible in form, but inflexible in mind.  To believe in the Promise of God requires faith, and faith requires single mindedness.  Therefore, “The Return to The Tree of Life” is a return to a single minded faith.

Scripture says:
“Faith is…., the evidence of things hoped for.”

For me, the question then becomes… “Where is the evidence of my faith?”  Everyone gets to answer this question in their own way.  Some will look to actions, some will look to sacrifice, and others will look to principle.  The point is to know for yourself where the evidence of your faith lies. 

When we magnify our faith in God, essentially we are bragging on God.  When we brag on God, God is honored.  As believers, we honor God when we brag on God through acts of faith.  As we begin to move out in faith or return to a single minded faith, God will surely make His words flesh for all to see.  Just remember, God’s purposes are far from the minds of man.  Therefore, God may simply choose to show is strength through you in a season.  Don’t fix your mind on what the manifested glory of God should look like, just know that His glory stemming from such acts of faith will be seen, and all glory will be to God. 

So, in this second quarter of the year, I hope that you will make the most of your faith.   I also hope that God will show His hand in your life, and that you will prosper in all seasons.  Go now and return to “The Tree of Life”!  Be a tree planted by the river of living water.  Thank you for walking with me.

Remember to go within that you may never go without.  The God within you awaits you.  Until our paths collide again, I wish you… Peace, Love, Life, and Complete Wholeness in Christ.

In Service,

NaTisha Renee Williams
