The ReWIRED Life Pt.1

Originally published at on 08/30/16

Welcome Back!  Thank you for taking the read and another stroll with The Road2Wholeness Blog.

Today I begin a series of blogs that will define what it means to live a ReWIRED Life, reveal much of my personal journey to becoming a ReWIRE, and encourage you along your journey to create a 360 in your life!  The series will in part cover my road to celibacy, my former battle with depression, breaking free of dead weight, the effects of verbal abuse, encountering God, and overthrowing lies and darkness. 

Real quickly, grab a bag and be prepared to collect some gems.

Here goes:

I was nineteen years old when I decided to see, approach, and use my life differently.  The phrase “my life” at the time encompassed:  my body, my gifts, my mind, and my day to day activities.  One thing I knew for sure was that I couldn’t go on abusing and misusing my body.  It wasn’t because somebody told me not to but because I felt the damage.  I felt the war I waged against myself every time I allowed myself or another person to misuse my body.  My spirit would literally cry out!  (But I’ll go further into that later in the series as I didn’t at the time identify with the term “spirit” and had no real understanding of that aspect of self).  I just knew that it was one of the greatest points of conflict and source of pain in my life at that time.  I also knew and recognized that I would be making a series of drastic changes that would require enormous mind and will power.  In that moment a new yet unspoken vision for my life was born.  It was simply put, the beginning of “Operation: Stop the Madness”.  Now seventeen years later, given all that has transpired I know it as, “The ReWIRED Life”. 

I didn’t know how to shake off all the things that were hanging and holding on to me but I decided to use my gifts to at least sound some type of alarm.  I decided I would use my voice and my writing to give insight into a world; a dysfunction; a cover up that I had been born into, subjected to, tied to, and marinated in.  No doubt I had become a product of this thing; this lawlessness; this brokenness; this fragmented concept and understanding of self and although I didn’t know exactly how to cut myself loose or go up against such darkness; I began the plight in faith.  Still, because I didn’t really know how to fight on deeper levels or what exactly was after me; I began in terms of getting back to a place of being inspired by my gifts and reunited with my hopes and desires.  I began to remember my entrepreneurial desires, learning about small business management, and reconnected to my long standing dream to write and publish books.  I allowed those passions, hopes, dreams, and desires to become the guide posts for the journey ahead and relied on them to project me forward out of the limited environment I had inherited.  Therefore The ReWIRED Life at that time was simply becoming progressive in my life.  And I’ll pick up more with the unfolding of the journey in the next blog, but let’s pause here. 

I’ll like to speak specifically to this particular time frame along the journey because it’s instrumental and foundational to The ReWired Life.  You see, The ReWIRED Life always begins with a fork in the road.  Here is where we put people on notice.  Here is where we cut ties.  Here is where we make life changing decisions.  Here is where we dial into our dysfunctions and look at what needs overhauling.  Here is where we draw a line in the sand.  Here is where we say enough.  Here is where we make an exit.  Here is where we begin a process of returning to our truth even without all the understanding, details, faith, strength, direction, and signs in place.  Here is where our whole universe and personal being quakes and we are never the same.  And I should probably state here that for every new dimension we move into within The Rewired Life, we face similar moments of inception.  Therefore take notes along your journey but more importantly, get comfortable with making hard and sometimes harsh decisions. 

Honestly, I wish I could tell you that you can have it both ways; to progress and stay the same; to progress and keep all the same friends; to progress and not change your thinking; to progress and not change directions; to progress and not ruffle some feathers; to progress and not be misunderstood; to progress and not feel overwhelmed by the undertaking, but I can’t.  If I do, I’d forfeit my testimony.  In an era where everyone is selling meditation as a cure all; I must tell you that there will be some discomfort.  There will be some mourning.  There will be lots of stretching.  There will be some going in the dark where the road is not paved or marked and labeled with signs.  Yes, there will be a lack of encouragement and there certainly will be discouragement but hold on to your dreams.  Hold on to that still small voice that keeps whispering…. Keep coming.  I see you.  Just keep coming.  And more importantly, begin to search for and yearn to know the voice in the dark that is encouraging you towards everything you’re believing for even against all the people you hear saying… “Just let it go!  Stop trying to be better than us.  Just be happy with your life as it is.  That’s unrealistic.  What are the chances?” because the voice in the dark that’s affirming your hopes and dreams is The Dream Giver!  It’s The One Who Foreknew YOU!  And although you may not have all the understanding in place, He will cover you; keep you; and protect you when He knows you are in route back home.  He’s been awaiting your return and will come to meet you when He spots you off in the distance.  So PURSUE!  PURSUE! PURSUE!

Here are some of the things I initially had to do as I sought to “Stop the Madness” in my life.  First, I had to begin without consulting.  Many times our moment to grow and stretch is stunted by asking and seeking approval and encouragement.  One of the reasons this is not recommended here is because it’s personal.  It’s a heart and soul matter.  Such a moment is connected to things that cannot be seen or confirmed in the physical or natural realm.  You don’t need confirmation from an outside source to know that you feel broken.  You don’t need confirmation to know that your relationships are toxic.  You know these things and so trust what you know and begin without consulting!  Don’t open the door for discouragement or fear; there’ll be enough of that as you move deeper into the operation.  Second, move without announcement.   Yes, it sounds similar to the first but it’s slightly different.  The thought here is that while you are beginning to lay the framework toward the vision you now have for your life; you need to protect that vision. This is especially if you are at the initial inception of change and reform in your life.  As you move further along and you’ve processed your friendships and you become clearer about the road you are on; you can be more inclusive. 

This is a great time to start reading and seeking encouragement from other sources outside of your friends, family, co-workers, etc.  It’s also a great time to begin to select a handful of affirmations.  One of the affirmations that I had in the beginning and it just came straight out of what I was facing; I didn’t need a book or a guru to give it to me, was “There’s no punishment for honoring myself.”  And with that being said, I’ll end this first blog in series with that thought.

I want to say that again and direct it towards you.  Please know that THERE IS NO PUNISHMENT FOR HONORING YOUR SELF!  If you are trying to raise your head up above the waters of dysfunction that is currently drowning you but you’re afraid you’ll be misunderstood, disliked, opposed, ridiculed, or even that you’ll fail…. I encourage you to BEGIN IN FAITH!  Trust that what is nudging you is also ready to support you.  And please understand that, THERE’S NO PUNISHMENT FOR BEING GOOD TO YOURSELF.  It’s time to love yourself first because it’s the basis for all healthy earthly relationships and it’s the basis for what you believe you deserve.

Remember to go within, that you may never go without.  The God within you awaits you!  Until our paths collide again, I wish you… Peace, Love, Life, and Harmony!

In Service,

NaTisha Renee Williams

The “Emotional Life” Coach
