The Odor of Brokenness

Originally published at on 5/11/16

Welcome back to The Road2Wholeness Blog!  Thank you for taking the read!  Today I want to discuss the odor of brokenness.  You may ask, "The odor of brokenness??  What is that?"

Yes, I repeat... "The Odor of Brokenness"!  Sometimes although we recognize that we are fractured and clearly broken, we may still insist on trying to get in the game.  For example, let's consider athletes when they get injured.  Perhaps it's some super important point in their season or career and if it was left up to them, they would probably get suited up and jump in the game but no; instead the doctors gives strict orders that they are not to play.  Luckily for them there are professionals and procedures in place to keep them from prematurely re-entering the game and possibly further injuring themselves.  In life however, when we are emotionally injured there is no one there to prevent us from getting back in the game while we are wounded, broken, or leaking toxins.  In fact the game of life always requires some level of participation.  However, we have to be in touch with our brokenness enough to make the necessary calls about how best to heal and not compound our wounds. 

When our wounds are not being properly treated or tended to; they eventually get infected and carry an odor.  That odor is what I'm calling "The Odor of Brokenness".  A lot of times people will ask the question "WHY?" ...."Why is this happening again?"  "Why can't I seem to create something better for myself?" "Why do I keep picking the same type of person to date?", and the list goes on.  I'm not sure if they've ever considered that perhaps there is an odor of brokenness coming from them that continues to attract the only people who can't detect it; other people with the same odor or other broken people.  Often times we look for people with whom we have interests in common with but do we ever consider that many times we and "the type" we keep choosing also have layers of brokenness in common? 

The real danger of compounding and layering wound on top of wound is that eventually we become so callus to it all.  Furthermore, we look at all the layers and the depth of it all and we just throw our hands up and say... "I don't have time for this!" "It's just too deep!" or "Oh well, I'll just have to make lemonade out of this!  The thing is though... the lineage.  The fact that "like brings forth like" and so the decision to get healed and whole is ultimately bigger than us; it's bigger than our discomfort; it's a matter of human legacy.  What will we leave behind?  Will we leave behind an odor of brokenness or the fragrance of wholeness?

Needless to say, I am an advocate for healing and wholeness.  I want us to use our individual lives to shift the trajectory of humanity towards Peace, Love, and Harmony.  So if any of the questions I listed earlier in this post resonated with you; I would like to encourage you to not settle for numbing yourself to the issues of your heart and in your life.  I want to encourage you to keep asking questions that matter.  Keep asking questions that require you to grow and to know what you would improve upon.  So although I do believe some of those "why questions" are helpful in getting the inner conversation started; I think a better line of questions would ask, "Who do I need to grow into in order to be compatible with the types of people I want to be in relationship with?"  "What does my character or brokenness have in common with this person's character or brokenness?" and "What would my life and relationships look like if I were whole and not broken?" ... just to name a few.  Ultimately, I say this because the answers to your questions should do more than point out your flaws; they should allow you to envision who you want to become and what you are aspiring to.  That is what a great question will do!

That is my offering for today.  God Bless and remember...

"Go within that you may never go without."  The God in you awaits you!  Until our paths collide again, I wish you... Peace, Love, Life, and Harmony!

In Service,

NaTisha Renee Williams
the "Emotional Life" Coach
