Anchored by The Source

Originally published at on 5/3/16

Well the question that stands at the center of this offering is, "How can I truly love or know myself without recognizing my Source and Creator?"

It's natural to fall to our knees when life gets heavy and appears to want to break our backs and it's also natural to seek the source when we get to the end of our intellect and run out of answers, but has anyone taught you to seek the voice and presence of the Source for your very identity?  Perhaps I've touched on this at several points in the last five blog posts but today I'll like spend some time here.

Perhaps I should draw an analogy in order to fully bring my thoughts into context.  I like to think of doing life without the realization of our Source like utilizing a device and tossing the handbook or disregarding the manufacturer's guidelines.  Yes, perhaps we can figure out how to power it on and get the general use out of it by using our human intellect and accumulated common sense but then the question becomes, "Are we getting the full use out of the device?"  Furthermore, when we hit a glitch; who do we consult?  Perhaps we ask a friend.  Maybe we will Google it.  Better still, perhaps at that moment we run to the manufacturer demanding answers.  Usually, the manufacturer will listen, take a look, and assess the issue.  Sometimes we learn that it was a simple issue; a simple lack of awareness on our part.  Luckily, the manufacturer honors the fact that the device is theirs and willingly offers help and guidance.  I say luckily because what would one do if the manufacturer simply said... "it's in your handbook" and left you kicking yourself because you knew you had tossed it out or leaving you only to gather input from others.  I suspect at a certain point it would become quite a challenge.   Especially if your device appeared to be similar to everyone else's in theory but you didn't realize that it had some of its own unique features.

This is how I see the issue of tossing the idea of the Creator to the side and not listening to hear or to learn what is special about us from that voice within.  The problem with asking the world to define you whether by compliment, awards, gifts, money, or positioning; is that you consequently give the world the power of changing their minds.  Likewise, the problem with relying on your sense consciousness (what you can observe and pick up in the natural) to define what is special about you is that you have hidden gifts (features) that your experiences have not had the opportunity to reveal to you.  Think about some of those lofty dreams everyone around you keeps telling you that are just too way out there.  In fact, you yourself sometimes find yourself thinking that they are a bit too far out.  The truth is that those ideas are revealed to you in full awareness of what all is installed on the inside of you.  The ideas come from the Creator to nudge you towards the very thing you were created to undertake.  Part of the reason you and even other people would question the possibilities is because none of you are aware of what's on your unique chip and surely it would be hard for others to have that awareness outside of the physical manifestation but you have the ability to hear from the Creator and know what's special about you.    Think about it.  I bet there's something that you know you shouldn't know how to do and perhaps you haven't had the opportunity to do it as yet but you feel so strongly that you can.  It's like you would almost bet your life that if given the opportunity to do it that you would and exceedingly well.  Well, that's it!!  That's the automated download of your unique handbook that's been downloaded by the Source into your spirit and these are the types of downloads and updates that the Source wants to wire to you. 

Having the awareness of what is unique, special, and Divine about you will begin to build your confidence and give you an unbiased, unchanging, and authentic Self-Love and Self-Awareness.  Wouldn't it be cool to have a self-love that cannot be uprooted; a self-awareness that cannot be tarnished?  I can tell you for myself that it is a total game changer.  Being able to separate who you are from what others think and even your experiences it totally freeing.  It also brings a sense of peace and relief from feeling like you have to make comparisons between yourself and others.  This is what I want for God's children.  Yes, you deserve to know whose you are!  You deserve to know what you are designed to do! You deserve an authentic Self-Love.  You deserve to be at peace with the Divine Design that you are.  So find some time to get in touch with the healing source; The Creator of not only the universe but the universe that is you!

This is my offering for today.  I hope that it blesses you.

As always, I encourage you to "Go within that you may never go without".  The God within you awaits you.  Until our paths collide again, I wish you... Peace, Love, Life, and Harmony!

In Service,

NaTisha Renee Williams
the "Emotional Life" Coach
