Welcome back to The Road2Wholeness Blog. Thank you for taking the stroll with us today. It's the last blog in our series here on the blog. It was first announced in 2019 and Mysteries in Common is now ending. Don't miss the prolonged series and pick up the facts on God's big Body Building and Weight Lifter's events in the bible.
Let's look again in Genesis. In the other three blogs of 'MIC' we saw the connection between Noah's sacrifice and Moses' sacrifices. Now let's look at this last weight lifting experience.
Turn to Genesis 8, "But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and He sent wind all over the earth and the waters receded. Now the springs of the deep and the floodgates had been closed.
Genesis 8:6, "After forty days Noah opened a window he had made in the ark."
In Noah's responsive to the voice of the Lord about the coming flood, the bible notes that the Lord prepared Noah with a window. It appears that the bible's first window would become a leery experience, but in the eighth chapter and sixth verse it is noted that the window was made along with the other refinement of choice the Lord instructed Noah to make from chapter 6. When the ark landed on a mountain it is clear that the window is to see a miracle from God, but when the ark remains there and the water is slow to recede, it becomes solidly clear the miracle is the mountain.
In this Mysteries in Common, the blog reveals the window and the mountain is a hand in hand experience that the Lord hand writes along with His interruption to Noah's hearing. The window is left behind to see that Noah cannot think of his own abilities to build a solution, but rather witness that the mountain is there to say "the floodgates are closed". It then leaves no confusion between the rain and the floodgates, and the rainbow is established also in the written event. The rainbow then comes to show that rain showers is not a drowning mechanism, but surely the Lord did recommend an ark to rule over the springs. When the Lord leaves just a window between the springs, the floodgates, and the rain; Noah himself becomes a window and the ark becomes the next mountain. With the decisions the Lord makes here in Genesis, humanity is alarmed but given a great builder and weight lifting experience to see where to point their gratitude and where to plant their lamentations. The book of Genesis does not however speak about lamentations and the window of opportunity is left with the dove to say that when what is through the window does not return then you will know it was just the next mountain. In this weight lifting experience we take a relief from the word of God to breathe in and breathe out.
Thank you for following MIC, and the mysteries in common between Moses and Noah. Catch up on our Road here on the blog for more.
If in the book of Genesis, you do not find the window that the Lord sent to seal Noah's big building project, don't look again because the wilderness is not coming by water, but by desert and your body builder is Moses; a great warrior, servant, and another demonstrator that there is a Lord.
Remember to go within that you may never go without. The God within you awaits you. Until our paths collide again, I wish you... Peace, Love, Life, and Complete Hearing in Christ.
In Service,
NaTisha Renee Williams
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