Life of LAB: Show Up!

Originally published at on 11/26/2017

Welcome back to The Road2Wholeness Blog!  Thank you for taking the read today.  We’re still in Life of LAB "A Quick Lab Series".  Today’s blog is “Show Up”! 

Let’s see.  How do I want to show up in this Lab?  I think I’ll begin with scripture.

I go to Joshua 17:17-18.  It reads, “… You will have not only one allotment but the forested hill country as well.  Clear it, and its farthest limits will be your; though the Canaanites have chariots fitted with iron and though they are strong, you can drive them out.”

Let’s also look at Joshua 18:3.  So Joshua said to the Israelites: “How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you?”

These two scriptures are great.  They speak of the Israelites who’d been given a land that was being occupied.  It was God’s promise to them, and yet they were instructed to drive out the inhabitants.  When you read the story, you will discover that there were several portions of the promised land that the Israelites never obtained due to their fear, and in some aspects their lack of faith.  It helps to have this awareness also as we approach life as lab. 

The bible gives great context for all life situations.  There are many promises, but without the proper knowledge we cannot obtain them.  It’s important to also note here that in all the cases where the Israelites pursued the promise they were more than able to overcome their adversaries.  Most of the time when we think about showing up, we think about it in a superficial manner.  We think about getting up early—what we will wear—having the right amount of personality.  Those things are important, yet they help us to obtain the obvious—they help us to achieve the things that we don’t need promise for.  When we reach the level of Destiny, Legacy, and Promise, then we must look at the term “show up” in new ways.

This doesn’t mean that we forget the top layer of readiness, but it does mean that it’s not of greatest importance.  No one goes into battle with an Updo.  No one obtains promise with a smile.  It’s not a matter of a smile.  In fact, if you understand your adversary and the threat they pose, you will probably pack away the smile.  In a modern world, we are taught to think of these battles as outdated—sometimes we think of them as a rough day.  But there is nothing outdated about the Word of God and the adversary to the promises of God doesn’t think in terms of days, but rather Legacy.  On the road to promise, the spiritual requirements naturally take us below the surface.  As you get closer in your pursuit, the mind will reach out for deeper levels of awareness.  If you reach for the awareness you can see all around you, you come back short.  For God’s promises, you’ll need God’s word.  It’s an indestructible word.  It’s a living word.

As we talked about yesterday, we will need to keep our hearts filled with light, and we will need to filter out the less than pretty energies.  This is not about losing our natural personhood.  This is not about losing our light.  It’s is about understanding that it will take a lot more than what the eyes can see.  It’s not a simple job interview.  You’re not asking to be hired; you’re demanding your place. 

Therefore showing up in promise is about showing up with certainty, clarity, and determination.  It’s also showing up with a little bit more knowledge than you’re supposed to have.  It’s not textbook knowledge, but the little extras that God shares with you to help you to be able to see the inner workings of the territory that he is giving you.  It’s the little instructions and assignments that bring down walls.  So stay close to God, see Life as LAB, and go for Destiny. 

Coming Up Next... the last of these quick labs.  It will be a memorable summary of the series.  Hope you’ll take the stroll.

Remember to go within that you may never go without.  The God within you awaits you.  Until our paths collide again, I wish you... Peace, Love, Life, and Complete Wholeness in Christ.

In Service,

NaTisha Renee Williams
