Reach Beyond

Originally published at on 6/14/17

Welcome Back!  Thank you for taking the read today and another stroll with The Road2Wholeness Blog.  This is officially the last blog in “The Reach” series.  Today we reach “Beyond”. 

Well, when it comes to reaching beyond, we can apply it universally to many or all things.  Particularly though, my mind was called to a question that I asked God over a year ago now.  Let’s begin with the foundational scripture for my thoughts today.

Genesis (4:2-5):

“… Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil.  In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord.  And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock.  The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor.  So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.”

Initially when I read these scriptures, I thought…  What’s the big deal?  Both men gave of what they had.  I looked at the word “some” and thought perhaps it was a matter of how much, but no.  In both cases, we see the use of the word “some”.  Then, I looked at the word “firstborn”, and I thought, maybe it was an issue of the priority Abel placed on the offering.  But no!   I really wanted to understand the premise behind this biblical lesson, so I asked.  Surely God could have answered me sooner, but He chose to show me in the course of time.  He chose to answer me at a time when it surely mattered.  Isn’t that brilliant?  What better way to make an answer memorable than to answer when the answer is needed.

This is what I now see clearly.  The answer is really found in the very first sentence.  It’s the story of the servant versus the laborer.  There are a few other scriptures that help me to get a clear understanding of the lesson.  

First, if we go back to Genesis 3:17, we will remember that God cursed the ground due to Adam and Eve’s sin.  Then, if we jump forward to Genesis 4:7, the Lord says to Cain… “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?”  Here the Lord makes it clear that Cain was aware of the premise by which He used to judge the two offerings.

Later as we read on, because nothing is separate and removed; all of the details of this story work together as one; the Lord calls out to Cain in Genesis 4:9… “Where is your brother Abel?”  Cain then responds, “I don’t know…”  Here we see that though Cain may have had the rule or the law; he did not have the understanding.  I believe this is why in Genesis 4:15, the Lord God showed grace towards Cain.

And ultimately, this is why I share; because law without understanding serves no one.  This is why Jesus came.  He came that we might have law made flesh, and demonstrated in right and perfect action.  To put it all together, here’s what I got.  I now understand that the offering of the servant will always be regarded as a greater offering, and the reason is for the purpose of accountability.  God wants us to be our brother’s keeper.  He wants us to be able to give an account of the lives that He has assigned to us.  This is why at the end of Jesus’ stay on earth, He brought God’s message full circle when He asked Peter in John 21:16-17, “… Do you love me?” and to Peter’s response of “yes”, Jesus then says, “Take care of my sheep.”

So, my encouragement to you today, is to “Reach Beyond”.  Reach beyond what is comfortable.  Reach beyond what is common.  Reach beyond what is easy.  Reach beyond what is visible.  Reach beyond the borders of what’s good for you.  Most importantly, reach beyond law.  Reach for understanding!  Yes, in all your getting, do get understanding.

Thanks for walking with me.  Join me again soon!

Remember to go within, that you may never go without.  The God within you awaits you.   Until our paths collide again, I wish you… Peace, Love, Life, and Complete Wholeness in Christ.

In Service,

NaTisha Renee Williams
