The Precision of God, Blog 4


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Thank you for taking the stroll with The Road2Wholeness Blog today.  Welcome back to Life of LAB  and The Precision of God.  In Blog 3 we learned to budget our faith by choosing a life of oaths.  

Today we look to Joshua 1:9 for faith.  It says there, "Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." 

Here it shows that “Do not be discouraged” is the ID of faith and the Lord sends the words early on in the writing of the scriptures.  He says this because He is all-knowing and is the author of faith.  He sends the words "Do not be discouraged" to help us with the shifty-ness of the human spirit.  Later the Lord gives us an unfailing ID in faith and sends the Holy Spirit to be perfect in faith.  As we accept the Holy Trinity of the living God, we no longer have to cross the river Jordan each morning, but we can send signals through prayer to the Holy Spirit to strengthen us.  Here's a simple look at how we can budget our faith.  

Pray, "Dear Holy Spirit, My God, My Advocate.. be my Shepard this day and increase my faith. Pray for me that my faith does not fail, and be my holy filter."  Next we take notice of the Lord's great and everlasting arm in our situation and we confess with our mouths what is seen.  We confess and God shows up again and again to say "Do not be discouraged.  Do not be afraid."  It is in this conversation with God that our ID of faith is built up and strengthened in the eyes of believers and non believers alike.  Here is where we grow closer to God and His Holy Trinity.  

Remember to go within that you may never go without.  The God within you awaits you.  Until our paths collide again, I wish you... Peace, Love, Life, and Complete Hearing in Christ.

In Service,

NaTisha Renee Williams
