Selfless or Neglecting Self?

Is there always music in your ears; people around; places to go? Things to do? Folks to save? If this sounds like your life....Keep reading! Find out what strong messages you may be sending to yourself!

"Busyness is the language of unconsciousness." It's also many people's way to avoid self! It's in large much easier to help others with their problems than it is to focus on our own issues and work through them. Part of what makes this true is that we see things more clearly when we're not so up close and personal. Dealing with our personal development on the other hand is not so black and white; it requires a lot of long stares and quite a bit of stillness. Yet we know that if we go unplugged for too long we lose power and eventually can be no use to anyone! Trying to drown out the voice within telling us to look within is not going to make it go away. It's like when a child covers their face, hoping that if they can't see you; you can't see them.

The truth is that, doing can never outperform being! It's important that we are not only doing good but that we be good. Our ability to help others is dependent upon our wellness; not just physical wellness as is most emphasized in this society but we need all around health which includes healthy emotions and a healthy spirit; all of which requires reflection, sober assessment, quiet, and alertness. When we refuse these parts of ourselves the attention and nutrients that they need we sacrifice our overall well-being and are essentially saying to ourselves "You're Just Not That Important To Me". And I'll be honest, a person who is saying that to their self is in essence saying that to me because "you can't know how to love me; treat me; help me, if you don't know how to love you; treat you; help you"! At some point your unhealed emotions and neglected spirit will spill over into my life!

"True Selflessness Has No Memory". Usually it's a huge compliment to be called "selfless" and I myself have been labeled as such once or twice, however if we are not healthy within.....our selflessness can quickly be consumed by ego; becoming concerned with titles, credit, thank yous, awards, and other forms of compensation. Remember, if you're not wired from the inside and you receive your power from sources on the outside, going on a power trip is usually inevitable. It is no secret that some of the best intentioned people have set disasters into play; this is because nothing can be resolved on the outside until it is resolved on the inside.

Therefore, as we begin to consider living our best lives (full of peace, love, and harmony)....let us continue to ask ourselves the hard questions and take those long stares into our hearts so that we can act and achieve from a place of wellness, oneness, and a positive awareness.

That being said, I want to encourage you to go within and discover your own personal truth. And until our paths collide again, I wish you....

Peace, Love, Life, and Harmony!

NaTisha Renee
your Emotional Life Coach
