What You Should Know About Low Self-Esteem

Low Self-esteem begins with an illusion of self. Declare today that you are perfectly made! It's time to forget all the things that have been said to you by those who were blinded or are blind. I know they've broken your spirit and made it really hard to see yourself in a different light but you've got to change your language. Go as far as to change your language! Make it so you don't even hear the negativity. Make up your mind only to speak, engage, and recognize the language of love. Anything that doesn't radiate from a place of love can't affect you because it can't reach you! Be an example of what you expect to receive; cleanse yourself of the negative energy you've absorbed. Be sure you're not passing on the torch; not damaging someone else. Heal your heart! Confront anyone that needs to be confronted; not with anger, resentment, or in need of an apology because you've already cashed in on the rewards of forgiveness. Do it that they may be made aware of the crimes they've committed against spirit and so that they can make the necessary changes; this is how we break the cycle! This is how we pay it forward!

And with each coming day, look low self-esteem in the face and affirm the opposite. Do it! If it means posting a note on your bathroom mirror; do it! I've done it! I've done a lot of bold things in order to cast out lies. This is no game; if you really want to raise your self-esteem, take bold action. I've even gone as far as to take the most hated picture of my self, that was taken at one of my darkest and emotionally distressed points and blew it up, framed it, and placed it on my living room wall! This was me facing the feelings, remembering how ugly I felt, how ugly everyone thought I was and the things that were said, and finding a way to combat those feeling. As a matter of fact, a very close friend of mine said to me, something like: "I don't like this picture" and my response was "that's exactly why it's there". And I can go on and on about bold action but I'll save that for another time.

The point is, you've got to put in the work in order to make a lasting change. If you're not willing to do the work, the Mall is right around the corner. Just remember, nothing you can buy will undo a crime against the spirit. What those wounds needs is air (exposure), light (awareness), and love.

I encourage you to journey within and discover you own personal truth...and until our paths collide again, I wish you..

Peace, Love, Life, and Harmony,

NaTisha Renee
your Emotional Life Coach

Overcoming Low Self-Esteem and Poor Body Image
Oct. 5, 2009 at 2pm Eastern Time
