God's Winking at You!

I love miracles and I make it a habit to acknowledge them every day.  Honestly, I see them all around me. Many times, I see two cars on track to collide and suddenly one driver recognizes the other or maybe I see a sunset or a sunrise and I recognize it as a miracle.  Although seemingly simple to us now with all of our intellect, but really what a miracle!  I think part of some people's inability to see the miracles of life is that they're always looking for the big stuff...  You know... the lottery winner; the person who is gifted a brand new house by a complete stranger; the woman who conceives after a decade of trying; a person who lives thru a devastating car crash....etc.  And certainly there's no doubt about it...those are indeed miracles but what if we really got focus, still, and honest enough to acknowledge those uncelebrated moments when it is also certain that God is winking at us. You know the moments when you're running behind say for work and you hit all green lights or when someone says to you... "Hey I'm getting rid of some things...would you like to go thru them"...and you stumble upon something you really needed.  Those are moments when God has winked at you.

I live for such moments.  It's out of these moments that our faith gains momentum; our trust expands; our fears and doubts subside.  These are moments in which we must also give thanks and praise. THESE ARE MOMENTS THAT FEED AND MULTIPLY OFF OF OUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.  So when God winks; don't forget to smile.  When God winks; point it out. When God winks; by all means WINK BACK!  These smaller testimonies are the building blocks for BIGGER, BOLDER TESTIMONIES TO COME.

Think about what a wink usually represents for you.  I know for me, it means... I SEE YOU, I GOT YOUR BACK, DON'T FRETT.  Now count all the times God has said these things to you..  Go ahead do it now.  Think about it!!  Don't you feel Loved? Don't you feel Important? Don't you feel Victorious? And don't you want to tell someone.... to share God's overwhelming love and affection towards you?  Not in a bragging way but in a way that will stir their curiosity and cause them to look for God's Winks in their lives.  Come on don't bottle these experiences up.  Don't swallow these moments.  Don't dispose of them as if they don't count.  Remember, what you do with little sets the standard for what you'll do with much.

So, I encourage you to SHARE YOUR STORIES about how God likes to wink right at you and say... "I got you!! Don't you worry."  Most importantly, I challenge you to be conscious of such moments... to BE OPEN to the winks of life. Yes, I challenge you to BE ALIVE to the winks of life.... and TO BE THOROUGHLY TOUCHED BY THE WINKS OF LIFE.  And by all means, when God blesses you... Bless someone else! Wink and Be Winked

Be Absolutely Blessed.
Go Within and You'll NEVER Go Without!

NaTisha Renee
your Emotional Life Coach
