Mend Your Broken Heart

We all want to have a whole and complete heart. The only issue is, we see our wholeness as supplemented by something on the outside. I've recently learned that "To Be" is "To Have"! What do I mean by that?? Well, if only we could put our focus on being a whole and complete heart; a heart that is free from bondage to resentment, unforgiveness, malice, lack, insecurities, etc. I have a few questions that may serve to make my point.

Are you the seed, the root, or the fruit? Perhaps I can help you to see things more clearly. Let's say the fruit is the expression and the root is the link; that would probably mean the seed is the source. Now, I want to ask you, "are you the source of your happiness or have you given your power away?" More importantly, I ask...does the seed need the fruit as proof that it is a seed? So the real question is, "are you a whole and complete seed before and always or only after you've made the expression of the fruit??"

Now, let's address the root. Surely, it symbolizes something. What's coming to mind is that roots move outward. They don't drawback or try to hoard their good. They understand their role in the cultivation of the fruit. They understand that if they don't spread out or move outward, that they will eventually stifle their life force. Do you feel stifled? If you do, stop and take a moment to see if you are trying to consume your good (you know....hold it, keep it, bottle it, pet it). Understand that love is to be expressed not kept.  So, my next question is, "are you participating in the expression we call love or are you still chasing a fairytale?"

See, the wholeness we desire to feel when we are "In Love" is really the wholeness we feel when we are participating in the expression of love. Unfortunately, we keep falling "In and Out of Love" because we try to experience the full expression of love through limited channels; in limited ways; confined to the walls of our minds and defined by the desires of our bodies. But what if we could get that we already are Love and see the unending opportunity to participate in the fellowship of love through a Whole and Complete Heart....A heart with no clogged arteries; no barriers!

I'll like to invite you to find pleasure in watching the fruit of your love grow and to continue strengthening your roots each day by moving outward in Complete Love and Wholeness. And if ever you feel that there are no fruit; speak words of truth so that once again.... a good and faithful seed will produce in your life.  Be Blessed!

I encourage you to go within and discover your own personal truth.  Until our paths collide again, I wish you...

Peace, Love, Life, and Harmony,

NaTisha Renee
your Emotional Life Coach
